Wrightsoft – 2 Day Residential HVAC Design & Load Calculation Training LIVE in Carrollton, Texas
November 13 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Manuals J, S, and D: HVAC design with Wrightsoft
Click on the November 12th event from the calendar to register.
This 2-day class will take attendees through all the essentials of using Wrightsoft’s Right Suite Universal tool (not their mobile tools).
It will be hands-on and start with setting up the software, then proceed through the entire load calculation, equipment selection, and duct design process.
Topics covered will include:
- Setting up templates and libraries
- Tricks for identifying insulation values in the field (without x-ray vision)
- Using the PDF and CAD import features to trace a plan
- Tips and shortcuts for easier and faster drawing.
- Multi-story and multi-system design
- Why performance data from AHRI is useless for cooling system selection.
- Using RSU’s automated Manual S and how to use manufacturer data to do the same
- How/why Manual D is backwards (but right)
- Both trunk and branch and flex designs
- Tips for keeping duct sizes under control
Lunch will be provided.
Attendees should bring their own laptops with the latest version of the software already installed.
Do not wait until the day of the class to install the software.
Attendees who haven’t purchased the software or don’t have it on the laptop they plan to bring can use the demo version to take the class.